Thursday, June 10, 2010

And, she's back...but switching to on

So I even downloaded the WordPress iPhone app so that I could update my blog whilst on vacation and at camp. That? Did not happen. It probably would have been cathartic during some of the more stressful times, but oh well. I am back in town and I think I'm gonna put myself on a blog-specific writing schedule. And I am 99% sure that I am going to completely switch to WordPress because it just looks so much prettier, is most excellent to navigate, and offers a few more options than the other (see: iPhone app). All of this to say, if you are one of my trusty seven-or-so followers on blogspot, please follow me here, now. I promise I won't change again.

Today I began writing out my check for cheer when it struck me that I might be able to take a short, weekend-long vacation with that money. Here are a few of the things that I can do for the same amount (give or take $50) as my monthly cheer payment:

Flight & Hotel for: several TX cities, Boston, Colorado Springs, Los Cabos MX, or Nashville

Season ticket for the Majestic (two if I get the cheap seats)

Next year's camp for one kiddo

Chris now wants to know why I am looking at vacation deals for one. I just might need it, sweetie. I just might need it.

I am on day 2 of 4 off before heading back to work after two weeks off. So, so hard to go back after being gone for two weeks. Super glad that I had the foresight to take today off as recovery. We managed to navigate the tricky waters of catering to the agendas of six separate people while on a group vacation and had a fantastic time in Vegas. But with anytime you take a trip to an area with that much to do, we ended pretty much every day exhausted. Totally happy, but totally wiped. I came home (via 20 hour road trip) and in less than twelve hours was back on the road to attend CAMP, session one.

I love camp. It is one of my favorite things every summer and I am so bummed that I only was able to attend one this year. It, like Vegas, is exhausting physically, but completely recharges my soul. I love, love, love hanging out with the little guys and seeing the teenagers give their time and service so willingly gives me hope for this next generation. This will be the first time in nine years that I won't be attending camp with K. She says it is fine. Maybe for her...but not so much with me. If you see quasi-depressed posts next you'll know why.

Because we are supposed to miss as few practices as possible, she skated in at almost 4:00 from being a Jr. Counselor and was back on the road a mere two hours later on the way to tumbling. On the plus side, she's the only freshmen working on her layouts, so yay for her! I can't wait to see everything she's doing pulled together on our first parent night. So proud.

Wonder if I should invest in a full-on screen-printed t-shirt with her picture OR one of those throw blankets that I can take to the winter football games. Hmmmm...what would embarrass her more?

Current mood: Rejuvenated spiritually. Waiting for the physical rest to catch up.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Let's See How This Works...

This is a test. It is only a test. If this had been a real blog, then
this header would be followed by quippy and thoroughly entertaining

This test will allow me to look at the possibility of blogging while
on-the-go...particularly on vacation and at camp.

See you on the other side...

Sent from my iPhone

Time to Relax

The world of cheer parent politics is tricky. Note to self: do not get sucked in!

I went to watch stunting on Tuesday. The older girls were trying some advanced moves (naturally), but there was one group that dropped their poor flyer every single time she went up. Every. Single. Time. Luckily, she is pretty experienced, so she managed to land safely, but there were a couple of close calls. Just another reason I am thankful that K is a base and NOT being hurled into the air by a trio of tiny, barely-teenage girls. Does that mean that sometimes she comes home bruised up? Yes...but I'll take having her look like a street fighter over wondering whether which week I will be called to meet her in the ER.

And now it's time for a new segment...

Things NOT to do as a new Cheer Mom
Offer to drive every week because you have decided to combine your younger child's tumbling to happen at the same time as your cheerleader. While you might think this is a kind gesture - saving others on time and gas - you would be wrong. Instead, it is incredibly selfish to take away another parent's night to watch practice. Special note: this is especially egregious if (by taking your younger child) you no longer have an extra seat in your vehicle, thereby eliminating the ability to take along other parents.

It is vacation time for the hubby and myself. We are so excited to get out and relax under the bright lights of Las Vegas. Time for Road Trip 2010 (part 1). Then we come back for less than 24 hours and both kids and I go to camp. My next job for myself is figuring out how to update the blog from my phone. Look out for Cheer Mom on location.

Current mood: Not entirely excited about packing for both Vegas and Camp, but fully know it needs to be done.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

The End of an Era?

Tuesday was K's final middle school choir performance. Even apart from the ridiculously high number of emotionally charged songs (even for a MS choir concert...), I felt a sort of sadness that night. I was on the edge of weepy - and most of those who know me are fully aware that I do not do "weepy" in public. It felt like we are closing a chapter on her life and my tiny little baby girl is suddenly all grown up.

And I am all grown up. What's funny is that I can still remember some of the songs we sang, some of the cheesy choreography we did, some of the cheap-shot "let's make mom cry by giving her a rose while standing in front of her and singing 'Wind Beneath My Wings' while also spelling it out in sign language" stunts from my own middle school choir years. It really doesn't seem that long ago. I miss that naive, optimistic child.

It really seems that a breath ago, I was rocking baby Katy on my lap. I cannot believe she is going to be in high school next year. Because of cheer, it is unlikely that she'll be able to do school choir anymore. She probably won't even be able to do church choir, either. Maybe that's what has made me so contemplative this whole week. And don't get me wrong, I'm not bitter or wishing she would live my high school life. In fact, I think that this will expose her to a whole side of high school that I really didn't ever get to see. Because of the intensity and sheer amount of time she will be committing to this program, she will take away experiences that can only a few can have. I would likely never admit this out loud to you, but I always secretly wanted to be a cheerleader in high school. A singing cheerleader. A singing nerdy cheerleader who also raised animals. What can I say...I'm complex.

Was it really three whole years ago that I was so worried about sending her to middle school? She was so shy - I was sure she would be easily led astray. And now, she has grown to such a confident young leader that I don't worry about her moving on to high school. I worry that these next four years will shoot by just as fast and then she'll be gone. For the first time as a mom, I feel like I'm not old enough to handle the emotional turmoil that will cause when the time comes. Hold on, there must be something in my eye...the monitor is getting blurry...

Kind of a bummer bad. I was actually going to save the "End of an Era" type talk for her very last day of middle school, but ya know what? I can't. Because I will be in Vegas. Heck to the yeah. That will probably be best for all parties involved anyway...I'm sure she will be all sad and crying and stuff and there is a high probability that I might join in and make matters worse.

So...on to the next chapter. On to the big time.

Current mood: reflective...and a little heavy hearted

Monday, May 10, 2010

Yep, I'm still kickin'

Oh, well. I thought I would be able to post last week. And yet I did NOT. KidVenture's finale went off super well. Kids Choir did an awesome job releasing their new CD. During all that madness, I managed to miss my husband for 8 of the first 10 nights he worked his new day shift. Luckily, he is wonderful and completely amazing and didn't complain (much...). And my DVR is so backed up from my lack of time to watch TV that I had to delete SEVENTEEN Jeopardy's. I'm not gonna lie. That hurt a little bit. All right, a big bit.

So, as predicted, Cheer Snob is working her way onto the irritated side of most members of the team. So it appears that the advice to my kid about keeping mouth shut and attitude positive is working. Yay, Cheer Mom. Peaceable, non-petty problem resolution? It's a new age in cheerleading. Speaking of, K came home concerned that some of her pom pom routine is a bit too much booty shaking and not enough pom-pomming. Not entirely sure what I can do about that. Luckily, this is one that will only be performed for other girls at summer camp. But, sadly, the world of cheer involves quite a bit of swinging hips and short skirts. We've talked a lot about modesty in a sport that encourages the opposite. Hello, real life. Didn't think I'd be introducing you to my daughter in the eighth grade, but I guess times, they are a-changin'. I feel like I should have the NBC "The More You Know" playing in the background as I type.

Just a few more school related activities and then all the summer fun begins! Each of the kids will be going to two camps (thanks grammie) and in less than three weeks, Chris and I are taking a little vacation ourselves. Woo hoo. Bring on summer - I can't wait.

Current mood: EXCITED - vacation in less than three weeks!!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Settling In

Wow, it's been a long time since posting. It's been a crazy couple of weeks. With productions for me next week, it will be crazier coming up. But we've managed to maintain a nice balance here, even with the addition of three extra practices per week.

Poor K fell victim to her first cheer snobbery this week. Having a background in tumbling gives her quite the learning curve for the stunting aspects of cheer. So when one of the girls who had been making cheerleading a career these last several years decided that K wasn't experienced enough to spot her during stunts, it hurt K's feelings a little bit. My first reaction was to suggest maybe she should help the cheer snob take a tumble from the top of the pyramid (or whatever it is that they do nowadays...), but that seems like it is the opposite of helping this cause. No matter how much it would have made me feel better. Instead, I just told her to keep focused, keep learning, and stay away from that horrible girl.

This week, we ordered the new uniform pieces and accessories that we weren't able to purchase at the garage sale. Came up to juuuuuust about the same amount as ALL the used stuff we got before. Hardly seems comparable. And can anybody explain to me why it was necessary to purchase both a monogrammed bag AND backpack? Craziness. Even crazier? The text conversation Katy and I had while she was ordering everything (no moms allowed, but of course):

K - Cheer Mom! How many pairs of each color of hot pants are we supposed to buy?
CM - Doesn't the sheet of paper that coach sent home say one each?
K - I don't know
CM - Well...ask your coach.
K - How many of each color?
CM -What did coach say?
K - I need hot pants in each color
CM - What ARE hot pants?
K - Bloomers.
CM - What did the coach say?
K - I think I need two in each color
CM - What is everybody else getting?
K - Two in each color
CM - *sigh* FINE. Get whatever you need
K - Are you on your way yet?

And then later in the car...
CM - Soooo...why did we need to buy two of each color?
K - Well, the seniors said that after a few months, girls will start losing their hot pants. Then they'll steal yours and you need a back up
CM - So we're underwriting the thieves at $37/pair of fluffy panties. Beautiful.

The fun part of all this uniform stuff? Playing dress up the cheerleader. I've had her prance around in front of all the family members that have stopped by over the last two weeks. FUN. Luckily, she doesn't mind...yet.

Own or manage a business? Check out the new program ad option under the fundraising page.

Current Mood: PAR-TAY - it's Battle of Flowers today!

Monday, April 12, 2010

If Only I Had A Money Tree

I made it through financials night alive. And pretty happy, I must say. I mean, relatively, of course. Who can say that they are truly HAPPY that they just dropped almost five bills on uniforms in one night? Well, I'll tell you - somebody who would have had to pay double that for new ones, that's who.

The whole garage sale was as predicted. Luckily for us newbies, they showed us what all of the uniforms we would need looked like in the meeting before. She gave us the price list again. Reiterated the rules. And after that, we hoofed it over to the sale. All the women speed-walking as nonchalantly as they possibly could so that they didn't give that scent of desperation off to the other moms. You don't want the others to think that you have to buy used, natch. I, on the other hand, was not quite that subtle. Grammie had graciously volunteered to spring for anything we could find at the used sale, so I was at that door and ready to go. What? You aren't sure if you're holding that for someone else? Can I wait? NO - MOVE ON TO THE NEXT TABLE, K. I think my heart was even racing at the sport of it all at one point. OH NO! If we talk too long to Girl X, we will miss out on whatever Girl Y is selling. HA! Looking back, I probably had that wide-eyed, about to be hit by a truck kind of look. Whatever we did must have paid off. We ended up with both uniforms, both bodyliners (which are not, incidentally, leotards like I had supposed last week), warm-ups, rain coat, jersey, and even an extra couple of goodies that good-ole-Grammie thought that K must have.

We also received our first fundraising packets. To avoid clutter on this super-entertaining part of my blog, you can find all of that interesting information about the totally necessary products that you must have on the link above where it says "current Cheer Mom fundraisers." I know, I know - how did I ever come up with that page name? It IS a gift.

And also - I made it into the carpool. BIG SCORE. Aside from the increasingly panicky feeling that I was going to struggle every single Wednesday trying to get her to another city (yes, it's only Bulverde...), I have not reached that overly-involved Cheer Mom status where I WANT to sit and watch every practice. I really only like watching the ones where the girls do flips. And even then, I get bored after about thirty minutes. I guess that makes me still a fledgling Cheer Mom. Maybe that will change. I doubt it. But maybe. Look for tomorrow's post regarding whether or not I survived my first carpool driving experience with four cheerleaders in the car.

Current mood: satisfied and eager

I have FIVE followers now! I am so excited. My followership is growing. Yes, I am fully aware that I just invented that word.